DNS.BE announces that ICANN has given the final approval to .vlaanderen and .brussels new gTLDs.
“After the delegation of .brussels and .vlaanderen, one more important step needed to be taken: the approval by ICANN of the start-up information. This contains the information on the different launch phases and their timings.
Wednesday, 9 July we received this final approval for both TLDs. Which means the long course with ICANN we started back in the spring of 2012 with the introduction of both applications, finally comes to an end. All steps with ICANN have now been finalised and from now on, we’re standing on our own two feet.
This also implies that the timings for the different phases are final. We like to share them with you once more:
- A phase for trademark holders: 01/09/2014 > 01/10/2014
- A phase for governments, organisations and companies: 02/10/2014 > 03/11/2014
- A phase for private individuals: 13/11/2014 > 15/12/2014
- A “landrush” phase: 16/12/2014 > 15/01/2015
Open registrations from 20/01/2015″