Google appears to have emerged victorious from a dispute regarding the domain name AdsenseWala.com .The company filed a complaint with the National Arbitration Forum on June 21,2013,asserting legal rights over AdsenseWala.com domain.
Google owns many trademark registrations for the “Adsense” mark ,all over the world .Therefore,it is more than obvious that the disputed domain name is confusingly similar to its trademark.Moreover,the company managed to demonstrate that the respondent has no rights or legitimate interest in the disputed domain name and that the respondent used the domain name in bad faith .
The arbitrator assigned to the case ruled in favor of Google,indicating that the company has full rights to the disputed domain name .The respondent’s loss was also partly ue tot eh fact that he failed to submit a response in this proceeding ,accepting these way Google’s allegations as fact .
You can read the decision here.