Domain registration Singapore
The official domain extension for Singapore is .SG.
Registering this domain extension is definitely a strategic move for those companies with interests in Singapore or that are looking to protect their trademark within the country.
Singapore, officially the Republic of Singapore, is an island parliamentary republic in Southeast Asia lying off the tip of the Malay Peninsula, across the Strait of Johor.
It covers a total area of 641 km² and has a population of 5,086,481, of which almost half are foreign immigrants. It is made up of 63 islands; the territory is predominantly flat, with some low-lying granite hills. The climate is equatorial. The capital is Singapore and the local currency is the Singapore Dollar. The country’s economy is based on exports and industry (manufacturing, oil refineries, electronics, biomedical science). Tourism is also an important resource.
The official languages spoken in the Republic of Singapore are English, Mandarin, Malay and Tamil.
Domain registration Russia
The official domain extension for Russia is .RU.
Registering this domain extension is definitely a strategic move for those companies with interests in Russia or that are looking to protect their trademark within the country.
Russia, officially the Russian Federation is a federal presidential republic located between Eastern Europe and Asia. It sits on the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Baltic Sea to the west and the Pacific Ocean to the east. It has a number of land borders: Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Belarus, Lithuania and Poland to the west; Ukraine to the south west; Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia and North Korea to the south. Also to the south is the Caspian Sea. The Ural Mountains form a north-south range that divides Europe, to the west, and Asia, to the east. It is divided into 8 federal districts, which are subdivided into 83 subjects.
Russia, with a total surface area of 17,075,400 km², is the largest country in the world. A large part of the landscape is flat, or with low-lying hills, such as the East European Plain and the West Siberian Plain, separated by the Ural Mountains, which run from north to south for around 2000 km. High mountain peaks are found only in the southern Caucasus range. The Siberian region is characterised by a vast highland plateau, stretching for around four million square kilometres, and by high mountains to the east, including the Kamchatka Peninsula, which has volcanic peaks reaching up to 4,750 m. The coastlines are generally low-lying and stretch for thousands of kilometres.
Russia‘s capital, Moscow, is located in the west of the country, on the banks of the River Moskva; it is one of the biggest and most populated cities in Europe, as well as being an important centre of industry and culture.
The population numbers over 143,000,000, according to 2012 estimates, and is made up of around 160 different ethnic groups; the majority is Russian, with significant Tatar, Ukrainian, Bashkir, Chechen and Armenian minorities. The nation-wide official language is Russian and the local currency is the Ruble.
The economy only began to experience slow growth in 1999, having entered the free market at the time of the dissolution of the Soviet Empire in 1991. The main resources are an advanced agricultural industry (cereals), livestock farming, fishing and timber; the country is also home to abundant mineral and energy reserves (coal, oil, uranium), which have allowed a rapid growth in manufacturing industries (metallurgic, iron and steel, mining, mechanics and textiles).
Domain registration Qatar
The official domain extension for Qatar is .QA.
Registering this domain extension is definitely a strategic move for those companies with interests in Qatar or that are looking to protect their trademark within the country.
Qatar is an emirate absolute monarchy occupying the small Qatar Peninsula, only 200 km long, on the north eastern coast of the Arabian Peninsula. It is surrounded by water and is bordered to the south by Saudi Arabia. It is subdivided into 10 municipalities.
Qatar covers a total area of 11,571 km² and has a dry climate with extreme ranges of temperature. The landscape is mainly desert and rocks, with inland plateaus; the only fertile, flat ground is found on the coastal plains.
The population numbers a total of 1,903,447, of which a majority lives in the capital, Doha, a large harbour outpost on the Persian Gulf. The official language is Arabic, though English is widely spoken. The country’s main economic resource is oil. Agriculture, sheep farming (a growing sector) and fishing are practised purely on a subsistence level.
Domain registration Oman
The official domain extension for Oman is .OM.
Currently, it is not possible to register a domain name directly with this extension. However, for those companies with interests in Oman, or that are looking to protect their trademark within the country, it is possible to register domain names with other, official, second level extensions.
Oman, officially the Sultanate of Oman, is an absolute Islamic monarchy located in the south eastern part of the Arabian Peninsula, between Yemen (south west) and the United Arab Emirates (north west). It is bordered to the west by Saudi Arabia and lies on the Arabian Sea to the south and east, and on the Gulf of Oman to the north east.
A large majority of Oman‘s territory, which covers 309,501 km², is characterised by mountain ranges and deserts, though there are fertile plains found in coastal regions. The population numbers a total of 2,773,479 and is mainly Arab, with various minority groups; most people live in coastal areas and in the larger urban locations, such as the capital Muscat. The official language is Arabic and the local currency is the Rial.
The main economic resource is oil, followed by agriculture, fishing and livestock farming.
Domain registration Nepal
The official domain extension for Nepal is .NP.
Domain name registration with this extension is currently available exclusively to Nepalese businesses/private citizens.
Nepal is a landlocked country in South Asia, surrounded by China and India. It is a Federal Democratic Republic, subdivided into 15 regions, 14 administrative zones and 75 districts.
It covers a total area of 147,181 km² and has a population of 29,959,364. The landscape is predominantly mountainous, situated between the plains of the Ganges and the Himalayan mountains. Nepal is home to some of the world’s tallest mountains, including Mount Everest, which reaches 8,850 m above sea-level. The capital is Kathmandu and the local currency is the Nepalese Rupee. Nepal is a very poor country, heavily dependent on international financial aid. The country’s principal economic activities are agriculture (tea, rice, lentils, sugar cane, barley and potatoes) and cattle farming (producing milk and yoghurt), followed by tourism.
The official language is Nepalese.
Domain registration Myanmar (Burma)
The official domain extension for Myanmar is .MM.
Currently, it is not possible to register a domain name directly with this extension. However, for those companies with interests in Myanmar, or that are looking to protect their trademark within the country, it is possible to register domain names with other, official, second level extensions.
Burma, officially Myanmar, is a presidential republic in Southeast Asia. It is bordered to the north west by Bangladesh and India, to the north east by China, to the east by Laos, and to the south east by Thailand; to the south lies the Indian Ocean.
Burma covers a total area of 676,577 km² with a varying landscape: tall, rugged mountain ranges to the north, which join the Himalayas, and lower ranges in the central region; the Shan Hills to the east, dry in northern areas and richly forested to the south; and the coastal regions, with sheer, rocky cliffs, except for the area surrounding the Gulf of Martaban.
The total population numbers 50,495,672; the capital of Burma is Naypyidaw and the local currency is the Kyat.
The local economy is based predominantly on the production and export of rice, followed by the exploitation of oil reserves, that of natural gas and the export of rubies. The official language is Burmese.
Domain registration Mongolia
The official domain extension for Mongolia is .MN.
Registering this domain extension is a recommended strategic move for those companies with interests in Mongolia or that are looking to protect their trademark within the country.
Mongolia is a landlocked parliamentary republic in Central Asia. It is bordered to the north by Russia and to the south by China. It is divided into 21 administrative provinces and 1 municipality.
It’s vast surface area of 1,565,000 km² makes it the 20th largest country in the world; it has a total population of 3,179,997. The landscape is characterised by the territory’s two main geographical regions: the Gobi Desert to the south and the cold, mountainous areas in the north and west. Much of Mongolia consists of steppes. The capital is Ulan Bator and the local currency is the Tögrög. The country’s economy is based on the exploitation and export of natural resources (petroleum, coal, copper and phosphates). Along with livestock farming, these activities are practised mainly to satisfy domestic demands.
The official language is Mongolian.
Domain registration Maldives
The official domain extension for the Maldives is .MV.
Registering this domain extension is a recommended strategic move for those companies with interests in Maldives or that are looking to protect their trademark within the country.
The Maldives, officially the Republic of the Maldives is an island country in the Indian Ocean, made up of 1,192 coral islands grouped in a double chain of 26 atolls.
The total area covered by the Maldives is 300 km², with a population of 301,472. The islands’ landscape includes stretches of fine sand, created by the erosion of the coral reef, many of which are home to tourist resorts. The climate is monsoonal, with temperatures from 26°C to 31°C. The capital is Malé and the local currency is the Maldivian Rufiyaa. The economy is based on tourism, fishing and coral craft work.
The official languages are Maldivian and English.
Domain registration Malaysia
The official domain extension for Malaysia is .MY.
Registering this domain extension is a recommended strategic move for those companies with interests in Malaysia or that are looking to protect their trademark within the country.
Malaysia is a federal country in Southeast Asia, consisting of thirteen states and three federal territories, separated by the South China Sea into two similarly sized regions: Peninsular, or Western, Malaysia and Malaysian Borneo, or Eastern Malaysia. Western Malaysia is bordered to the north by Thailand and to the south by Singapore, whilst Eastern Malaysia is bordered to the south by Indonesia and surrounds Brunei.
Malaysia covers a total area of 329,750 km² and has a population of 28,401,017. The landscape is mainly mountainous, with peaks of up to 2,000 m in Peninsular Malaysia, which are rich in mineral resources; in eastern areas, mountains reach as high as 4,101 m, with Mount Kinabalu on the island of Borneo. Although Malaysia has a predominantly highland landscape, there are some alluvial plains in coastal areas. The capital is Kuala Lumpur and the local currency is the Ringgit. Malaysia is one of the richest Asian countries.
Domain registration Macau
The official domain extension for Macau is .MO.
Currently, it is not possible to register a domain name directly with this extension; however, there are some official, second level extensions available. Domain name registration with this extension is available exclusively for businesses registered and operating in Macau.
Macau is one of the two Special Administrative Regions of the People’s Republic of China, and is made up of 2 communes and 7 parishes. It sits on the South China Sea to the south, and is bordered by Guangdong Province to the north. The peninsular region is linked to the Asian continent by a narrow, sandy isthmus.
It covers a total area of 29.2 km² with a population of 543,656 (2010), of which the majority are Chinese, with Philippine and Portuguese minorities. The landscape consists of 41 km of coastline, rising further inland with granite hills that never reach much over 100 m. The Historic Centre of Macau was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2005. The local currency is the Macanese Pataca. The region’s economy is based on tourism and manufacturing.
The official languages are Traditional Chinese and Portuguese.