Domain registration Vietnam
The official domain extension for Vietnam is .VN.
Registering this domain extension is definitely a strategic move for those companies with interests in Vietnam or that are looking to protect their trademark within the country.
Vietnam, officially the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, is a country in Southeast Asia. It sits on the South China Sea and is bordered to the north by China and to the west by Laos and Cambodia. It is subdivided into 8 regions, 59 provinces and 5 municipalities.
It covers a total area of 331,689 km² and is home to 87,848,445 people. The landscape is characterised by hills and mountains covered with thick vegetation, which counts for around 80% of the territory; the remainder is flatland. The highest points are found in the Yunnan area, with peaks reaching over 3000 m above sea-level. The capital is Hanoi and the local currency is the Dong. The Vietnamese economy is based on the production and export of rice (world’s third biggest producer), sweet potatoes, sugar cane and corn. It is also a big exporter of shellfish, prawns and molluscs. The official language is Vietnamese.