Domain registration Turkey
The official domain extension for Turkey is .TR.
Currently, it is not possible to register a domain name directly with this extension. However, for those companies with interests in Turkey, or that are looking to protect their trademark within the country, it is possible to register domain names with other, official, second level extensions.
Turkey, officially the Republic of Turkey, is a transcontinental parliamentary republic, located mostly on Anatolia in Western Asia and on East Thrace in Southeastern Europe; these two regions are divided by the straits of the Bosphorous and Dardanelles. It is bordered to the north west by Bulgaria and Greece, to the south by Syria and Iraq, and to the east by Iran, Armenia and Georgia; to the north and south it lies on the Black Sea and the Mediterranean respectively. It is divided into 81 governor-led administrative provinces, and is a founder member of the OECD and G20.
It covers a total area of 783,562 km² (including some islands in the Aegean), with a predominantly mountainous landscape of ranges running right across the country from east to west: the Pontic Range to the north and the Anti-Taurus Mountains to the south. The highest point is on Mount Ararat at 5165 m. The shape of the coastline follows the direction of the shadowing mountains, creating a series of inlets; the rivers Tigris and Euphrates are the largest water courses in the country, and are used for the production of hydroelectric energy.
The population numbers 75,627,384, according to 2012 estimates, including recognised Greek, Armenian and Jewish ethnic minorities. The capital, Ankara, located on the Anatolian Plateau, is both the seat of government and an important centre of commerce and industry.
The official language is Turkish, though there are many minority languages spoken amongst the different ethnic groups (Kurdish in particular).
The economy, which once relied on various agricultural activities, now boasts a high degree of industrialisation, thanks in part to foreign investment; the most advanced sectors are the automotive, textiles and construction industries, whilst tourism is also a rapidly expanding resource. The local currency is the Turkish Lira.