Domain registration Tunisia
The official domain extension for Tunisia is .TN.
Registering this domain extension is definitely a strategic move for those companies with interests in Tunisia or that are looking to protect their trademark within the country.
Tunisia, officially the Tunisian Republic, is a semi-presidential republic in Northern Africa. It lies on the Mediterranean Sea to the north and east, and is bordered by Libya to the south east and Algeria to the west. It is divided into 5 administrative regions.
It covers a total area of 163,610 km² and has a population of 10,480,934. Tunisia is the smallest of the three countries found below the Atlas Mountains. Although around 40% of the territory is occupied by the Sahara Desert, the remainder is rich with fertile land and easily accessible coasts. The capital is Tunis and the local currency is the Tunisian Dinar. The local economy relies heavily on the production and export of grain, as well as fishing, tourism, textiles and food manufacturing.
The official language is Arabic, though the majority uses the vernacular Tunisian Arabic and speaks fluent French. Berber languages and also Italian are minority languages among the population.