Domain registration Swaziland
The official domain extension for Swaziland is .SZ.
At present, domain name registration with this extension is reserved exclusively for individuals or businesses resident and operating in Swaziland.
The Kingdom of Swaziland is an absolute constitutional monarchy in Southern Africa. It is completely surrounded by South Africa, apart from the eastern border with Mozambique. It is divided into 4 districts.
It covers a total area of 17,363 km² and the harmonious population, which is of varying ethnic origin, numbers 1,104,343, according to 2001 estimates. The territory is divided into 3 distinct geographical areas: the mountainous west, with peaks rising to more than 2,000 m; the hilly central area; and eastern plains of savannah and plantations.
Swaziland has 2 capital cities: Mbabane, the administrative capital, and Lobamba, the legislative capital. The local currency is the Swazi Lilangeni. The country’s main economic resources are tourism, asbestos, coal and diamond mining, and the cultivation of corn and sugar cane.
The official languages are Swazi and English.