Domain registration Nepal
The official domain extension for Nepal is .NP.
Domain name registration with this extension is currently available exclusively to Nepalese businesses/private citizens.
Nepal is a landlocked country in South Asia, surrounded by China and India. It is a Federal Democratic Republic, subdivided into 15 regions, 14 administrative zones and 75 districts.
It covers a total area of 147,181 km² and has a population of 29,959,364. The landscape is predominantly mountainous, situated between the plains of the Ganges and the Himalayan mountains. Nepal is home to some of the world’s tallest mountains, including Mount Everest, which reaches 8,850 m above sea-level. The capital is Kathmandu and the local currency is the Nepalese Rupee. Nepal is a very poor country, heavily dependent on international financial aid. The country’s principal economic activities are agriculture (tea, rice, lentils, sugar cane, barley and potatoes) and cattle farming (producing milk and yoghurt), followed by tourism.
The official language is Nepalese.