Domain registration Malta
The official domain extension for Malta is .MT.
At present, it is not possible to register a domain name with this extension. However, for those companies with interests in Malta, or that are looking to protect their trademark within the country, it is possible to register domain names with other, official extensions.
Malta, officially the Republic of Malta, is an island parliamentary republic in Southern Europe. It stretches for around 50 km, from north west to south east, in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, and is made up of two main islands (Malta e Gozo) and smaller islands (Comino, Cominotto e Filfola), which are all part of the Malta Plateau. It is subdivided administratively into 68 councils and 3 regions.
The archipelago covers a total area of 316 km², in the heart of the Mediterranean. The largest island, Malta, has high cliffs on the western coast and sandy beaches with inlets on the eastern side. The hinterland is characterised by low hills of limestone rock.
The population numbers 416,515, according to 2012 estimates, with most people living in urban areas, such as the capital La Valletta. The official languages are Maltese and English, and the local currency is the Euro. The main activities of the Maltese economy are manufacturing (electronics, computers, pharmaceuticals), tourism and trade.