Domain registration Czech Republic
The official domain extension for the Czech Republic is .CZ.
Registering this domain extension is a recommended strategic move for those companies with interests in the Czech Republic or that are looking to protect their trademark within the country.
The Czech Republic is a parliamentary republic and member of the EU and NATO, located in Central Europe. It is a landlocked country, bordered to the west and north west by Germany, to the south by Austria, to the north east by Poland and to the south east by Slovakia. It was created by the division into two parts of the former Czechoslovakia, in 1993. It is subdivided into 14 regions.
The Czech Republic covers a total area of 78,866 km², with a fairly varied landscape across the territories of Bohemia and Moravia: to the west, the Elbe river basin; to the east a hilly area; in the centre, the Bohemian Forest, the Ore Mountains and the Moravian highlands.
The population of 10,492,960, according to 2012 estimates, is almost entirely Czech. The capital is Prague, a centre of great importance in terms of European history and culture; the official language is Czech.
Following an initial crisis in the 90s, the country’s economy underwent a process of modernisation by means of foreign investments, which led to the recovery of the iron and steel and mechanics industries, thanks also to the abundant mineral reserves; tourism is also an important economic resource.