Domain registration Cambodia
The official domain extension for Cambodia is .KH.
Currently, it is not possible to register a domain name directly with this extension. However, for those companies with interests in Cambodia, or that are looking to protect their trademark within the country, it is possible to register domain names with other, official, second level extensions.
Cambodia is a country is Southeast Asia. It is bordered to the north and west by Thailand, to the north by Laos and to the east and south east by Vietnam. Cambodia is a constitutional monarchy.
It covers a total area of 181,040 km² and has a population of 14,494,293, according to 2009 estimates. The Cambodian landscape is made up of vast, central alluvial plains, surrounded by uplands and mountains. The hot climate has average temperatures of 27°C. The capital of Cambodia is Phnom Penh and the local currency is the Riel. The country’s economy is based on clothing manufacturing and tourism. The official language is Khmer.