Domain registration Argentina
The official domain extension for Argentina is .AR.
Currently, it is not possible to directly register a domain name with this extension. However, for those companies with interests in Argentina, or that are looking to protect their trademark within the country, it is possible to register a domain name with a second level extension.
Argentina, officially the Argentine Republic, is a presidential republic situated in South America, divided into 23 provinces and one autonomous district around the capital city, Buenos Aires. It is bordered to the north by Bolivia and Paraguay, to the west by Chile and to the east by Brazil and Uruguay. It has a coastline of 4,200 km of Atlantic Ocean.
With a total surface area of 2,780,403 km², it is the largest Spanish-speaking country in the world, stretching for roughly 3,700 km from north to south. Geographically speaking, Argentina can be divided into four main areas: the Pampas, vast fertile lowlands between the Atlantic and the Andes, used to cultivate grain in the eastern areas; Patagonia, a large, stepped plateau, situated to the extreme south of the continent, the Tierra del Fuego, shared with Chile, with high mountain peaks in the south, and an uneven, steep coastline; and the Gran Chaco, a subtropical lowland, of which only the southern part belongs to Argentina.
Argentina’s population numbers 40,412,376 (with a population density of 14.4 people/km2), one third of which (12 million) live in and around the capital city, Buenos Aires. The official language of Argentina is Spanish, and the local currency is the Peso. The country’s leading economic sectors are: agriculture (corn, soya, grain), livestock rearing (mostly cattle) and manufacturing.