Domain registration United States of America
The official domain extension for the United States of America is .US.
Registering this domain extension is definitely a strategic move for those companies with interests in the United States of America or that are looking to protect their trademark within the country.
The United States of America (USA) is a federal presidential republic occupying a large proportion of the continent of North America. It is bordered to the north by Canada and to the south by Mexico; it has the Atlantic Ocean to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the west. As well as the mainland continent, the USA also has numerous unincorporated island territories, such as the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands; it also has dependent island territories, such as the Midway Islands. It is divided into 50 member states (48 continental, the archipelago of Hawaii and the extraterritorial state of Alaska) with the added independent District of Columbia, in which is situated the capital, Washington; the 50 states are subdivided into 3,141 administrative counties.
The USA covers a total area of 9,826,675 km², making it the fourth largest country in the world. The continental part has a varied landscape, with distinct geographical features: in the extreme west, there are a series of high plateaus, in the form of the Rocky Mountains, with peaks reaching as high as 6,000 m, falling away inland from the Pacific coast; moving on from the Rockies are the vast Great Plains (mainly pastures and steppes, with various water courses, such as the Mississippi-Missouri River, fourth largest in the world), which are alternated by several desert regions (Nevada, Arizona, Colorado, Texas); further east, the Appalachian Mountains rise up as high as 2,000 m, dividing the plains from the northern region of the Great Lakes; finally reaching the east coast, which is rugged and uneven in the north and more regular and sandy in the south.
The ever-increasing population numbers 316,285.000 (2013), making it the third most populated country in the world. This is due to centuries of immigration from all over the world: Europeans (British, German, Irish, Italian, French, Dutch, and, more generally, Northern Europeans), Asians and Hispanics. To these are added around 4 million native Americans. The official language is English and the local currency is the US Dollar.
The economy is the world’s largest, in terms of GDP, and focuses on a capitalist system with an enormous private sector, characterised by high productivity, which is sustained by a wealth of natural resources (oil, of which it is the world’s third largest producer, natural gas, sulphur, phosphates and coal) and raw materials (principally iron, copper and gold). Important primary sector activities, despite making only a marginal contribution to the national GDP, are agriculture (grain, corn and soy), livestock farming (almost 100 million animals) and fishing (with all of its related processing activities). The country also has very advanced industries in manufacturing (automotive, chemical and petrochemical) and in technology and computing (whose infamous heart is Silicon Valley, California).