Domain registration Uganda
The official domain extension for Uganda is .UG.
Registering this domain extension is definitely a strategic move for those companies with interests in Uganda or that are looking to protect their trademark within the country.
Uganda, officially the Republic of Uganda, is a country in East Africa. It is bordered to the north by South Sudan, to the east by Kenya to the south by Tanzania and Rwanda and to the west by the Congo. It is divided into 105 districts.
Uganda covers a total area of 241,038 km², with a population of 34,758,809, according to 2013 estimates. The territory is almost entirely situated on a highland plateau at around 1,000 m above sea-level, and is characterised by its large lakes and rivers, tropical forests and savannah. The capital is Kampala and the local currency is the Ugandan Shilling. The country’s economy depends greatly on agriculture, which employs 80% of the working population, with plantations of coffee, corn and potatoes. Oil extraction is also an important Ugandan economic activity.
The official languages are English and Swahili.