Domain registration Turkmenistan
The official domain extension for Turkmenistan is .TM.
Registering this domain extension is definitely a strategic move for those companies with interests in Turkmenistan or that are looking to protect their trademark within the country.
Turkmenistan is a country in Central Asia. It is bordered to the north by Kazakhstan, to the north east by Uzbekistan and to the south by Iran and Afghanistan; to the west, it lies on the Caspian Sea. It gained independence in 1991 with the dissolution of the Soviet Socialist Republic, and is divided into 5 districts and 1 independent city.
It covers a total area of 488,100 km² and it has a population of 4,603,244 (2002).
Despite being almost entirely covered by desert, Turkmenistan offers a surprising variety of natural surroundings, such as canyons, lunar landscapes and the lush mountains of the Kugitang Nature Reserve. The capital is Ashgabat and the local currency is the Turkmen New Manat.Turkmenistan is the world’s tenth largest producer of cotton. Sheep farming for both meat and wool satisfies the domestic demand.
The official language is Turkmen, although Russian is also widely spoken and each ethnic minority also has its own language.