Domain registration Sweden
The official domain extension for Sweden is .SE.
Registering this domain extension is definitely a strategic move for those companies with interests in Sweden or that are looking to protect their trademark within the country.
Sweden is a constitutional monarchy located in Northern Europe, in the east of the Scandinavian Peninsula. It is bordered to the north west and west by Norway and to the north east by Finland; it sits on the Gulf of Bothnia to the east and the Baltic Sea to the south east. The Skagerrak strait divides it from Norway in the south west. It is divided into 21 counties and has been a member of the European Union since 1995.
The country covers a total area of 450,295 km², with three ‘lands’ that vary geographically: the northern Norrland, close to the Norwegian border, contains the Scandinavian Mountains and even higher peaks; the central Svealand consists of alluvial plains and lakes; and southern Götaland, with the province of Skåne in the extreme tip, a flatter area of populated farmland. The country places great importance on respecting its natural environment.
The population reached 9,495,113 in 2013, of whom almost all are Swedish; despite this, the influx of immigrants from surrounding countries has served to makeSweden a very ethnically diverse country.
The principal language, made official only recently, is Swedish; the local currency is the Krona. The capital, Stockholm, is located in the east of the country and is an important centre of culture and commerce.
The strength of the Swedish economy lies in its very high degree of progress, especially in sectors such as chemical, mechanical and metallurgic manufacturing. Local mineral resources, namely copper, lead and zinc, are particularly useful in the latter of these industries.
Livestock farming (cattle and fur farming) is another economic resource, and agriculture and fishing are exploited to a lesser degree. Not to be ignored are the extensive woodland resources in the hinterland, a patrimony that needs to be both exploited and safeguarded with the utmost care; indeed, the Swedish are renowned for focusing on innovation in the production of alternative, clean energy forms.