Domain registration Serbia
The official domain extension for Serbia is .RS.
Registering this domain extension is definitely a strategic move for those companies with interests in Serbia or that are looking to protect their trademark within the country.
Serbia is a Balkan semi-presidential republic located in Eastern Europe, created by the division of Serbia and Montenegro in 2006. It is a landlocked country, bordered to the north by Hungary, to the north east by Romania, to the north west by Croatia, to the west by Montenegro and Bosnia Herzegovina, to the east by Bulgaria and to the south by Macedonia and Kosovo. The country is divided into 5 regions; excluding Kosovo, the country is further divided into 25 districts, which are subdivided into 138 municipalities and 23 cities. Under Serbian law, Kosovo is divided into 5 districts, 28 municipalities and 1 city.
Serbia covers a total of 88,361 km² and is identified by three main geographical features: the extensive Pannonian Plain in the north, crossed by the River Danube; the hilly central region; and mountain ranges dominating the south, with one of the largest ranges being Kopaonik.
The population numbers 9,856,222 (2012) and is made up of a Serbian majority, with Hungarian, Albanian, Roma, Slovakian and Romanian minorities; most people live in central Serbia, which is the location of the capital Belgrade.
The official language is Serbian and the local currency is the Serbian Dinar.
Although heavily affected by the Balkan conflicts, the country’s economy has successfully rebooted activities in various sectors, such as agriculture, manufacturing and tourism, since the turn of the millennium; thanks, in part, to foreign financial aid.