Domain registration Niger
The official domain extension for Niger is .NE.
Registration of domain names with this extension is reserved exclusively for residents of Niger.
Niger is a semi-presidential republic in Western Africa. It is a landlocked country, bordered to the north by Algeria, to the east by Chad, to the south by Nigeria and Benin, and to the west by Burkina Faso and Mali. It is subdivided into 8 regions, 36 departments and 129 communes.
It covers a total area of 1,267,000 km² and has a total population of 10,075,511.Niger‘s territory is almost entirely occupied by the Sahara Desert, though there are vast areas of savannah found along the River Niger (from which the country takes its name). The capital is Niamey and the local currency is the West African CFA Franc. Niger is one of the poorest of the third world countries. The country’s economy is based on agriculture and sheep farming, though neither is sufficiently developed to meet domestic demands. Indeed, infant mortality is very high, with the main cause being malnutrition.
The official language is French.