Domain registration Myanmar (Burma)
The official domain extension for Myanmar is .MM.
Currently, it is not possible to register a domain name directly with this extension. However, for those companies with interests in Myanmar, or that are looking to protect their trademark within the country, it is possible to register domain names with other, official, second level extensions.
Burma, officially Myanmar, is a presidential republic in Southeast Asia. It is bordered to the north west by Bangladesh and India, to the north east by China, to the east by Laos, and to the south east by Thailand; to the south lies the Indian Ocean.
Burma covers a total area of 676,577 km² with a varying landscape: tall, rugged mountain ranges to the north, which join the Himalayas, and lower ranges in the central region; the Shan Hills to the east, dry in northern areas and richly forested to the south; and the coastal regions, with sheer, rocky cliffs, except for the area surrounding the Gulf of Martaban.
The total population numbers 50,495,672; the capital of Burma is Naypyidaw and the local currency is the Kyat.
The local economy is based predominantly on the production and export of rice, followed by the exploitation of oil reserves, that of natural gas and the export of rubies. The official language is Burmese.