Domain registration Lebanon
The official domain extension for Lebanon is .LB.
Currently, it is not possible to register a domain name directly with this extension. However, for those companies with interests in Lebanon, or that are looking to protect their trademark within the country, it is possible to register domain names with other, official, second level extensions.
Lebanon is a semi-presidential republic located in Southwest Asia; it lies on the Mediterranean Sea and is bordered by Syria to the north and east and by Israel to the south. It is divided administratively into 6 governorates and 25 districts.
The country covers a total of 10,452 km², a landscape that moves from the internal plains of the Beqaa Valley, to the Lebanon and Anti-Lebanon mountain ranges. The total population numbers 4,227,597, according to 2012 estimates, and includes a large number of Palestinian refugees. The capital is Beirut, and the official language is Arabic, though French is widely spoken; the local currency is the Lebanese Pound.
The country’s main economic resources are: agriculture (cereals), industry (petrochemical, food, textiles) and tourism.