Domain registration Latvia
The official domain extension for Latvia is .LV.
Registering this domain extension is a recommended strategic move for those companies with interests in Latvia or that are looking to protect their trademark within the country.
Latvia is a parliamentary republic and member of the European Union, located in Northern Europe. It is bordered to the north by Estonia, to the east and south east by Russia and Belarus and to the south by Lithuania. It has a coastline of around 500 km on the Baltic Sea (Gulf of Riga). It is divided into 109 administrative municipalities.
Latvia covers a total area of 64,589 km², with a predominantly flat landscape with some hilly areas of up to 300 m in height; the coastline is flat and sandy. It is a country rich in woodland and glacial deposits. The population numbers 2,252,060 and is mainly Latvian, with Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian minorities; most people live in urban centres, such as the capital city of Riga. The official language is Latvian and the local currency is the Lats. The principal economical activity, despite being poor in raw materials, is manufacturing (iron and steel, mechanical, petrochemical); other important sectors are livestock farming and fishing.