Domain registration Italy
The official domain extension for Italy is .IT.
Registering this domain extension is recommended strategic move for those companies with interests in Italy or that are looking to protect their trademark within the country.
Italy is a parliamentary republic located in Southern Europe. It is bordered to the north, west and east by France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia, and is surrounded by four seas: the Adriatic, Ligurian, Tyrrhenian and Ionian. It is a member of the EU, NATO, G8, G7 and G20, and is divided into 20 regions, of which 5 have special status. The capital is the city of Rome, seat of the government, as well as being home to many Italian institutions, and a place of inestimable cultural and historical value.
Together, the mainland peninsula and island groups cover a total of 301,340 km² (the largest islands are Sicily and Sardinia) and the landscape is varied both in geographical and natural terms. Although there are more hills than mountains in Italy, it is home to several mountain ranges: the Alps to the north, where the peaks of the Matterhorn, Mount Rosa and Mont Blanc reach more than 4.000 m; the Apennines running down the peninsula from Liguria to Sicily, reaching their highest peak with the Gran Sasso in Abruzzo, at 2,912 m. Only a small percentage of Italian territory is made up of lowlands; the largest being the Padan Plain, created by the River Po, the Tavoliere and Salento Plains in Puglia, and Campidano, in Sardinia. The coastlines stretch for more than 7,000 km and exhibit very different characteristics: from flat, sandy areas to irregular, rocky regions. Thanks to the numerous areas of high land, with glaciers and snow, Italy has abundant water reserves, the largest of which are: the Rivers Po (biggest), Tiber and Arno, and the Lakes Maggiore, Garda and Como. The population numbers a total of 59,685,227, according to 2012 estimates, giving it one of the highest populations in Europe; the majority lives in urban areas.
The official language is Italian, with French, German and Slovenian adopted regionally; the local currency is the Euro, which took the place of the Lira in 2002.
It has one of the most advanced economies in the world, based predominantly on tertiary sector activities (services, banking, business, insurance, tourism); agriculture also plays an important role (cereals, fruit, vegetables, citrus fruit, dairy produce, tomatoes and wine grapes), as well as fishing and manufacturing (in particular: naval, household electrical, chemical, pharmaceutical, metal, agricultural and food, automotive).