Domain registration India
The official extension for India is .IN.
Registering this domain extension is recommended strategic move for those companies with interests in India or that are looking to protect their trademark within the country.
India, officially the Republic of India, is a federal parliamentary republic in South Asia. It is bordered to the north by China, Nepal and Bhutan, to the east by Myanmar and Bangladesh and to the west by Pakistan. The Republic of India is a federation of autonomous parliaments and governments. It is divided into 28 federal states and 7 union territories.
India covers a total area of 3,287,263 km² and has a population of 1,224,614,327, according to 2012 estimates. It is the second most densely populated country in the world, and the seventh largest. The landscape consists of the Himalayas (the world’s largest mountain range), the Thar Desert, over 7,000 km of coastline, and the Indo-Gangetic Plain. The capital is New Delhi, and the local currency is the Indian Rupee. The three main languages are Hindi, English and Sanskrit, though there are a great number of regional spoken languages.
The local economy is based mainly on the industrial sector (automotive, chemical, consumer electronics, mining, steel and textiles) and on agriculture (rice, cotton, jute, sugar cane, potatoes) and related industries.