Domain registration Iceland
The official domain extension for Iceland is .IS.
Registering this domain extension is recommended strategic move for those companies with interests in Iceland or that are looking to protect their trademark within the country.
Iceland is a European island and parliamentary republic located in the North Atlantic Ocean. It sits 800 km north of Scotland and around 1,000 km west of Norway. It is separated from Greenland, to the west, by the Denmark Strait. It is subdivided administratively into 8 regions and 23 counties.
It covers a total area of 102,819 km² (the second largest European island) consisting mainly of active volcanic mountains and highlands, which stretch along the north-east to south-west axis (amongst the most famous are Öraefajökull, 2119 m and Hekla, 1491 m), and of vast ice sheets that cover around 10% of the land’s surface. The coastal areas are flat and sandy.
A vast majority of the population of 321,857 lives in the south western coastal areas; of these, many live in the capital Reykjavík and in the other larger towns.
The official language is Icelandic and the local currency is the Icelandic Króna. The country’s economy is based mainly on fishing and the related food industry.