Domain registration Guinea
The official domain extension for Guinea is .GN.
Domain name registration with this extension is available exclusively to businesses registered and operating in Guinea.
Guinea, officially the Republic of Guinea, is a semi-presidential republic in West Africa. It is bordered to the north by Guinea-Bissau and Senegal, to the north and north west by Mali, to the south east by Ivory Coast, to the south by Liberia and to the west by Sierra Leone. It is subdivided into 7 regions and 32 prefectures.
It covers a total area of 245,857 km² and is home to 9,981,590 people, who are divided into 24 different ethnic groups.Guinea is divided geographically into 4 regions: the coastal Basse-Guinea lowlands, the central livestock farming area, the tropical forests and the savannah of Haute-Guinea. The most densely populated region is the forested area, where there is abundant rainfall. The capital is Conakry and the local currency is the Guinean Franc. The economy relies heavily on exports in coffee, pineapples, citrus fruit, palm oil and peanuts.
The country also holds mineral reserves of gold, bauxite, diamonds, uranium, petroleum and coal; despite this, Guinea is still one of the least developed countries in the world. The official language is French.