Domain registration Denmark
The official domain extension for Denmark is .DK.
Registering this domain extension is a recommended strategic move for those companies with interests in Denmark or that are looking to protect their trademark within the country.
Denmark, officially the Kingdom of Denmark, is a sovereign state located in Northern Europe, in the south of the Scandinavian peninsula. It looks over the North Sea to the north and the Baltic Sea to the east. The Pharaoh Islands and Greenland, although granted a large degree of autonomy, are islands belonging to the Kingdom of Denmark. It is divided into 5 administrative regions and 98 communes; the capital is Copenhagen.
Denmark covers a total area of 43,094 km², and consists of the peninsula of Jutland and a large number of islands, of which 72 are inhabited and interlinked by a series of bridges. The landscape is predominantly flat, with some hills that rise to a maximum of just 200 m above sea-level. The North Sea coastline is full of inlets and fjords, whereas, on the eastern side, there are many islands, gulfs and canals. The population of over 5 million is made up mostly of Scandinavians; the official language is Danish and the local currency is the Danish Krone.
The local economy is based on a free market, and every sector is well-developed and flourishing, especially that of manufacturing (iron and steel, mechanical, metallurgic, chemical and food), livestock farming (and related manufacturing industries) and a highly mechanised agricultural industry.