Domain registration Australia
The official domain extension for Australia is .AU.
At present, it is not possible to register a domain name with this extension. However, for all those companies with interests in Australia or who are looking to protect their trademark within the country, it is possible to register a domain name using other extensions.
Australia is an independent nation of federal states within the British Commonwealth. The British monarch is represented in Australian territory by her viceroys: Governor-General and state Governors. It is an ‘island continent’, surrounded by water: to the west by the Indian Ocean, to the east by the Pacific Ocean, to the north east by the Coral Sea and the the north by the Timor Sea. It is part of Oceania and is considered the largest island region in the world, with a surface area of 7,617,930km².
Australian landscapes differ widely from one region to another: in the eastern areas, the arid land moves from low-lying plains to the high ground of the Great Dividing Range, which runs along the eastern edge of the country to join the Australian Alps in Tasmania; in the west, the Western Australian Shield, a series of high, arid plateaus, is contrasted by vast areas of desert; in the central region, there is the Great Artesian Basin, the largest and most important water reservoir on the continent, and the Lake Eyre and Murray Basins, as well as Australia’s most fertile plains. The country’s coastline, however, is uneven and punctured by inlets with sheer cliffs rising from the sea.
The population of 23,110,869 is predominantly made up of European descendants, especially those of British origin.
The capital is Canberra, the largest inland city in Australia; the official language is English. The principal resources of the Australian economy are varied: from livestock rearing (wool-producing sheep) to advanced manufacturing industries. Mining activities are significant, with the extraction and processing of raw materials (gas, iron, copper, gold). Valuable seafood fishing is also widely practised (oysters and lobster). The local currency is the Australian Dollar.