Domain registration Albania
The official domain extension for Albania is .AL.
Registering this domain extension is a recommended strategic move for those companies with interests in Albania or that are looking to protect their trademark within the country.
Albania is governed by a parliamentary republic and is located in Southern Europe, in the south western part of the Balkan Peninsula. It is bordered to the north by Montenegro, to the east by Kosovo and Macedonia, to the south east and south by Greece; to the west is the Adriatic Sea. It is a member of the EU, NATO and OECD, and is subdivided administratively into 12 prefectures and 36 districts. The capital is Tirana, the financial hub of the country.
It covers a total area of 28,748 km², land made up mostly of mountain ranges (the Albanian Alps from the north east to south west and other ranges in the central eastern area, with the valleys of the Shkumbin and Black Drin rivers in between); the few Albanian plains are nearly all concentrated along the coastline. The population of 3,204,284 is almost exclusively of Albanian ethnicity and language (except for a small minority of Greeks and Kosovans). The Albanian currency is the Lek.
Since the Fall of Communism, Albania’s economy has gradually moved towards a free market and, thanks to foreign investment, the country’s infrastructures have seen vast improvements.
The principal resources of the country’s economy are agriculture (cereals, sugar beet, grape vines and olives), industries in extraction and refinery, and tourism (in expansion).