Domain registration Afghanistan
The official domain extension for Afghanistan is .AF.
Registering this domain extension is a recommended strategic move for companies with interests in Afghanistan or who are looking to protect their trademark within the country.
Afghanistan is a country governed by a presidential Islamic Republic and located in the south western part of Asia. It is bordered to the north by Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, to the north east by China, to the east and south by Pakistan and to the west by Iran.
It covers a total area of 652,230 km² and the land is mainly mountainous (almost half of its territory is above 2000 m) and is landlocked. The largest mountain range is the Hindu Kush, which extends across the country to meet the peaks of the Pamir and Karakoram ranges in the north east; to the south east, meeting the Sulaiman Mountains, it forms the Khyber Pass and Bolān Pass, gateways to the east. The population (predominantly Pashtūn and Tagik) numbers 30,419,928, and most inhabitants live in the uplands. The capital is Kabul and the official languages are Pashto and Dari.
The principal economic resources of Afghanistan (one of the world’s poorest economies): livestock rearing (cattle, sheep, camels) and the underexploited mineral resources (carbon, iron, copper, petroleum and natural gas).